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Choosing A Geothermal System

When choosing a geothermal system, consider four main loop types: Horizontal Closed Loop, Open Loop, Vertical Closed Loop, and Pond/Lake Loop.

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How Do Geothermal Systems Work?

Geothermal systems use three main components: the ground loop heat exchanger, the ground source heat pump, and the distribution system. These three components deliver this heat throughout the home.

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Leasing Solar Panels: Pros & Cons

To Lease or Not to Lease. And in our opinion, the answer is "not to lease." Here's why: When you wish to sell your home, the buyer must assume the lease or the the lease holder can prohibit the sale.

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Polycrystalline Solar Cells vs Monocrystalline: Which is Better?

First, we’ll review the pros and cons of monocrystalline solar cells vs polycrystalline solar cells. Then, we'll let you decide: Which would you want for your residential power plant?

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Net Metering

Net metering allows customers who generate their electricity from alternative energy systems to transfer electricity they don’t use back into the grid in exchange for credits on their utility bills.

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