Choosing the Right Geothermal Company

What to Look For & What to Expect

When evaluating a geothermal energy installation contractor, there are a few key questions you should consider.

Are they experienced?

Each system must be custom designed. Therefore, an experienced engineer who actually visits and evaluates your home or business in person is critical to make sure that you get maximum energy efficiency that’s right for you.

What components do they use?

The system is only as good as the quality of its parts and the skill of the technician who does the installation. Make sure your geothermal contractors or company knows exactly where their components come from.

How far and deep do they dig?

Length is even more important than depth. Short, shallow installations are cheaper and easier for the installer but less efficient at tapping all the potential energy from the ground. Dig into the work of the company or contractors you hire before they start digging at your site.

What guarantee do they offer?

Geothermal systems are generally durable and worry-free when installed correctly. However, if you happen to run into a problem, having a solid guarantee from an established company you can trust gives you peace of mind.

Geothermal Energy?

  • Highest Return on Investment: You could reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 80% – and recoup your initial monetary investment in as little as five years.
  • Durability: Unlike other heating and cooling systems, geothermal systems require virtually no maintenance once installed and have a long equipment life of 25-50 years.
  • Financial Incentives: Current Federal and state rebates can reduce system costs by 30% or more, making geothermal energy an attractive financial option now and in the future.
  • Year-Round Comfort: You get even, constant temperature and humidity control for perfect comfort all year – no matter how hot or cold the weather is outside.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Solar energy gives you quiet, safe, green, clean operation with no combustion or carbon emissions.

Interested in learning more about geothermal home systems?
Contact us for a free geothermal energy evaluation

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