How Much Can You Save by Switching to Geothermal Energy?

We’ve discussed the costs and considerations involved when you switch to geothermal energy. Now, let’s talk about the savings associated with a geothermal installation.

Geothermal is the most energy efficient, and low maintenance heating and cooling system there is. No matter what your previous heating and cooling system was, it will not beat the annual operational or maintenance costs of a geothermal system. In fact, you will no longer need to worry about turning your system up and down when you leave and come back home. The geothermal operates most efficiently when you just leave it at your desired temperature. You will be saving money instantly.

Another area to consider is replacement costs. A traditional gas heating system with an air conditioner is about 70% the cost of a geothermal system, but will cost more to operate and last half as long, which means you are paying more in the long run.

Also, don’t overlook the aesthetic cost. With a geothermal system everything is underground, or in your house. This means that there is no unsightly outdoor condenser for an air conditioning unit.

Lastly, what is the cost of reducing your carbon emission? It is very difficult to put a price on embracing sustainability because everyone values this differently. However, you can be confident you are doing your part by having the cleanest heating and cooling available for your home.

While the financial savings can be significant, geothermal energy system is also an important investment:

  • An investment in your home: increasing its value
  • An investment in your community: keeping it pristine
  • An investment in the environment: doing your part to save our planet

Contact us today for a free geothermal energy audit and evaluation

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