Geothermal Savings Calculator

Reduce your monthly utility bills and lower your carbon footprint.

Geothermal technology can save you money every day. By tapping into the constant temperature below the earth’s surface, your system will run more efficiently and won’t have to work as hard to heat and cool your home.

How Much Money Can Geothermal Heating & Cooling Save You on Your Energy Bills?

Use our Geothermal Savings Calculator to see the potential savings you can achieve by switching to geothermal. 

This calculator takes into account various factors such as your location and current heating and cooling systems to give you an accurate estimate of what your geothermal cost savings could be. You already know the comfort and climate benefits of switching to geothermal technology; now use the calculator to explore the cost savings and benefits of this sustainable solution!

Start Saving Today!

Numbers from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show that homeowners using geothermal systems may realize savings of 30-70% on heating costs and 20-50% on cooling costs, compared to other conventional systems. That can translate to savings of $1,500 annually.

Please note: This calculator is intended to provide an example of your potential geothermal savings. For a more accurate estimate, as well as an assessment of your situation and a detailed recommendation of the type of system that’s best for you, contact us to request your free home energy audit.