Solar Power System Designs

Extensive renewable energy experience & expertise.

When it comes to selecting a solar energy provider, Geotherm, Inc. stands out for our extensive experience and expertise in renewable energy solutions. We have established ourselves as a trusted partner for homeowners seeking reliable and efficient installations of solar panels in Rochester, NY, and all over upstate New York!

A proper solar power system design begins with a detailed site evaluation. Our first step is always a thorough solar design analysis that models potential shading, annual electricity generation, and investment payback. We use this information and your desired budget to recommend the best type and size of system for your home.

Learn more about the value we bring to the people we serve—and embrace innovation, sustainability, and comfort like never before.

Solar panels are the heart of your solar system and critical to long term production. It is important that your solar panels are high quality and built to last a lifetime.  Our panels are made in the USA with high quality cells built to support long term power production.

  • Our panels use incredibly clean monocrystalline cells that hold up over the test of time, protecting your investment in solar.  
  • Thick frame US made panels also have the highest strength ratings and are ready to withstand years and years of inclement weather.

The way a solar system is anchored and sealed to your roof is a critical aspect of the installation. Our systems are designed and installed to outlast your roof and withstand the weather of NY.

  • Geotherm’s fully sealed rack mounts provide a reliable anchor for your solar panels and keep your roof free from leaks.
  • We guarantee you will not have leaks over the life of your solar system! (25 years of coverage)

Geotherm is partnered with GeoDoctor, the highest rated service and maintenance provider for home solar energy systems in all of New York.

  • All systems include access to the GeoDoctor team, on call to help if needed or to provide routine maintenance.
  • Geotherm Premier and Deluxe systems include a 1-year Silver membership to the Investment Protection Program for annual performance testing and exclusive discounts.

At Geotherm, we take pride in the artistry and craftsmanship required to build an efficient solar system that fits with your home. Our commitment extends beyond installation, backed by a lifetime workmanship guarantee for lasting peace of mind.

  • Customizing the integration with your home ensures the best layout for your array and optimal connections with your electric service.
  • Custom roof transitions with PVC minimize visible solar wiring connections to your solar panels.

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Solar systems from Geotherm include both solar production tracking and home consumption monitoring so you have all the data available at your fingertips. Our customers love the ability to see how much power their house is using and get insight on where the electricity goes.

  • Watch your solar production take over your electricity usage and push excess power into the grid for credit.
  • Understand and track your annual electricity consumption

Proposals from Geotherm all have a solar design model that takes account for any shading and snow coverage with a conservative estimate for power produced throughout the year. Feel assured of your investment with a solar estimate that is accurate for your unique home.

  • Experience backed solar design models create the best array for your home.
  • Careful consideration of the beauty of your home while guaranteeing optimal solar production. 

At Geotherm, we design, sell, and install all in-house. This leads to a cohesive project process and true accountability, giving our customers the relief to know they will be taken care of. 

  • Local engineers that know the climate will take into consideration the unpredictability of our weather and optimize your array for ideal solar production.
  • Lower your monthly electricity bill by working with a company that specializes in the changeable weather patterns of Western New York.